Belmont Briefing

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Obiter Dictum – I must vote NO!

I grew up on Pinocchio, George Washington and the Cherry Tree, the Boy Who Cried Wolf…all teaching the immorality of LYING.  The other night I spent one of my few remaining hours on this earth listening to President Biden’s speech for which the Federalist cited 30 issues of lying!

I was not insulted by his tardiness BUT I was infuriated by the outright lying to the American public.  Lying or “telling of half-truths” has become the norm in politics.  

Similarly, I am infuriated at the VOTE Yes Committees flyers which continue this campaign of lies and half-truths.

“Belmont residents will not be allowed to check out the 6 million books due to the loss of Minuteman network accreditation.”  A lie!  Look it up!  Any resident of Massachusetts may use the Minuteman network.

“Sports, theatre, clubs will be cut at the High School.”  Parents pay now for their students to participate!  $450 per sport plus monies raised by parent groups and the Boosters.

“Most school buses will be eliminated.”  Busing is required for all students who live more than 1-1/2 miles from their school.  Most other riders pay for the service which compliments the required expenses.

“Eliminate Town funded rubbish collection and add new fees.”  The “trash collection override of 1990” continues to provide more than enough funds to support the present rubbish/recycling contract. 

“Closing the Burbank School.”  There has been no decision regarding Burbank.  Indeed, this would be a terrible decision.  Instead, make all schools K-6 (saves busing costs).  Then close Chenery, sell it to a developer for millions and create 100 units of over 55 housing.  Netting millions in revenue with no impact on the schools.

Let’s look at other cost reductions and sources of new revenue.  

Enrollment is down 500 students from the projections used to justify the new High/Middle School.  (Why should they be so far off?)  There should be staff reductions based on this alone.

Energy costs for the new school should be way down, as a result of the investment in geothermal and solar installations.  Where is this reflected?

A new High/Middle School, Library, and Rink should result in further savings in maintenance and operations costs.

McLean Hospital is budgeting $1.5 million for PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) for FY 25.

Send the message that fiscal responsibility and solvency must come first and without further burdening our over-taxed citizens. 

An operating override is too much to ask!  Join me and vote NO!

Edward A. Kazanjian is a retired facilities engineer, registered educational facility planner, executive director and head consultant for a nonprofit, national public school consulting firm and an assistant superintendent of schools. He has been a Belmont resident for over 50 years.