Belmont Briefing

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COA Merger with Recreation Department – A Bad Idea

As an Advisory Board to the BelmontSelectBoard, we have a very serious responsibility to evaluate and analyze the implications of the “proposed merger” of the Council on Aging with the Recreation Department into a Human Services department. This affects 25% of Belmont residents.   

The Mission of the COA Board is to “enhance the quality of life for seniors“. The COA Board is “appointed by the SelectBoard to oversee programs and policies of the COA.”  (COA Mission Statement)

The proposed merger was recommended by the Town Administrator at the May 2024 Select Board meeting. (See SB presentation )  At the next COA Meeting, despite the brevity of time, a SubCommittee was established for the purpose of analyzing and evaluating the “proposed merger”, scheduled for Fall 2025, after the Library leaves.   The subcommittee has met twice since then.

At the dedication of the Beech Street Center several years back the SelectBoard promised that it would be used for the sole purpose of seniors until 2049. This promise was made to the seniors, and the Friends of COA  whose involvement with and dedication to this cause, advocated and raised money for the Beech Street  Center.  

I have assembled the information below for the COA Board’s review of this matter. 

First it must  be noted that  the timetable for the “proposed merger” has been moved up to NOW from the Fall 2025, as originally advised.  Fall 2025 was to coincide with the time when the Library was scheduled to leave.   I believe it is also important to consider the brief turnaround time provided to make these changes.

 Since being told that the”proposed merger” would not take place until after the Library vacated (Fall 2025),  a Human Services Administrative Coordinator, COA/Recreation  (Closing date: 7/25/2024.) has been hired . This new position is listed on  the”proposed merger.”  new organization chart 

The former Recreation Asst Director is now the Asst Human Services director.

Comparing the new “proposed merger” organization chart  (COAorg charts) to the current organization chart, it appears that there are more administrative positions which, by their nature, are more costly, than the current positions.

Secondly, Enhanced Communication is one of the reasons suggested for the “proposed merger”. (See SB presentation).  Yet the “tall ” organization proposed  compared to the existing “flat” organization chart of the current  COA model  creates more people to go through for decision making, discouraging communication.  Note below the accepted Human Relations concern of  Tall Organizations.

Disadvantages of Tall Organizations

“Organization is less responsive to change and can be expensive to run, due to high wage costs (many managers) restricted freedom and authority for staff members.”

What’s a Tall Organization and Is It Out of Fashion? – Functionly

Other claims of the “proposed merger” are Best Practices.

The Best Practices document (COAbestpractices) has been compiled by former Directors of the COA.  It is what the COA has used throughout the Board’s tenure, so it is  questionable whether the”proposed merger ” would have any significant advantage.It  “presumes that the COA Director has an advanced degree in some area of human services along with significant experience with the aging population.”  Topics include:  Communication Programming, delivery of Social Services, delivery of Core Services, Transportation and Nutrition, and Involvement with other agencies. It concludes with ” the Director’s primary purpose is to support, advocate for and implement policies and programs that enhance the quality of life for seniors in the Town.”

Also below is a compilation of other Human Service programs in communities comparable to Belmont.  It is notable that only 1 of the 9 Human Services departments  includes Recreation.

Finally I am disturbed by the actions of Town Administration toward Former employees, Board members, Real Estate Owners and members of the community, including  Town Treasurer (Floyd Carmen), Town Retirement Board (Tom Gibson), Assessors Board (Reardon, Laverty and Patrick Murphy), COA Directors ( Nava and Dana), Chair of the Planning Board (Jeff Birenbaum), Member of the Warrant Committee (Marie Warner AND CFRB) and Real Estate owner,( Locatelli).

The Board may also remember that as a Board we asked at our  February  meeting to schedule the annual potluck luncheon that we have always had for the Staff.  We were advised that the Staff had concerns that we were critical of them.  Having spoken with COA staff I have never found any reluctance to communicate their concerns.  Town Administration’s  behavior of vilifying and slandering former employees, Board members and members of the community  is not suggestive of an intent to serve the community.  By extension, this “proposed merger” has questionable merit.