Belmont Briefing

Local News You Can Use

“Literally, A call to arms… read till the end”

I can report with high certainty that President Donald Trump will be the 47th President of the United States. I know this will cause extreme anxiety and angst among a certain category of Belmont residents, but the reality is immigration and inflation have caused irreparable harm to most Americans and no celebrity endorsement, media cover up, or even a Hurricane can change the outcome. This is no secret to the inner circles of the DNC. They are now fearful of losing both the House and Senate by large numbers and trying to figure out somehow to motivate their voters. The tricky part is the “divide and conquer” approach successfully used by Democrats has imploded. For example, Latino’s now favor Donald Trump over Kamala Harris, and their top issue is Illegal immigration. How bad is it… Gloria Romero (the former California State Senate leader) is now changing parties and voting for Trump. She cited Democrats failure to embrace school choice which is devastating inner city children. 17% of African Americans support President Trump. That number is more than twice what he won in 2016 and is astronomical for a Republican candidate. Black voters in Chicago vow to flip the city Red over illegal immigrants taking their jobs and the cities resources. What about our Jewish friends who typically vote the Dem ticket… Shabbos Kestenbaum sees American Jewry facing an existential crisis with Harris in charge and is encouraging Jews to Vote Trump. 

Democrats can cite Dick Cheney for endorsing Harris but of course that is because Trump declared he will end the Ukraine War ASAP which doesn’t sit well with war mongers like the Cheney’s who profit from the $250 Billion wasted in Ukraine. Taylor Swift will garner some votes but will suffer the same fate as Oprah after she tarnished her image by endorsing a candidate. Bernie Sanders did the Dems no favors when he replied to Meet the Press Host Kristen Welker: “She (Harris) has previously supported Medicare for All, now she does not. She’s previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, Senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think that she is abandoning her progressive ideals?”

Sanders replied: “No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election.”

Probably the most telling reason why President Trump will win in a landslide comes from the most relevant Kennedy left. RFK Jr said:

There’s been an inversion now where the Republican Party has become the party of the common man, of working people, of the middle class, and the Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, BigAg, Big Tech, the Big Banking…  — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 8, 2024

In a progressive Town like Belmont with such group thought this will be unwelcome news. Fear not though because you have the chance of a lifetime…

This Sunday September 15th from 3pm-3:15pm in Belmont Center at the Town Day dunk tank you will have the chance to dunk a Trumper. Not just anyone… but Townie Talk himself. The caveat being you need to pay to play (all proceeds go toward providing food to Belmont residents in need) and there is some skill and athleticism involved. 

I am pretty sure on November 6th , the Town won’t be providing cry baby rooms at the BHS like in 2016, so this is your chance. 

Who should come… if we look at who the few Harris voters likely are :

As Dana Bash indicated “low testosterone men” 

Women with hairy legs and armpits.

Pro Hamas high school and college protesters.

Obviously, Marxists, Socialists, and Communists. 

Adults who still feel the need to tell you where they went to college.

People who block aisles in Supermarkets. 

As for my fellow Townies… you will have the opportunity to dunk some interesting characters. You can tell the progressive one’s by their floaties. End of the day… we have many residents that need help. Devastating inflation in critical expenses like food and rent mean difficult choices for so many these days. This is a good opportunity to show some appreciation to our fellow Townies in need. Just tape the second half of the game and put the beers on ice. 


PJ Looney

Townie Talk 02478

“AMDG”, “Never Forget”, “Never Again”